March 20 - 22, 2026

Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building

Toronto Comicon


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Toronto Comicon is a safe space where everyone can celebrate fandom to the fullest, so we do not tolerate mistreatment of any kind. Our policy applies to EVERYONE at the show and all participants are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.

Respect and Inclusivity: At Toronto Comicon, we are all here to share in the love of fandom and treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Cosplay Guidelines: To make sure everyone feels safe and comfortable, cosplayers must follow our cosplay guidelines. You can find them here.

Props Policy: If you’re bringing a cool prop to the show, it must be checked by security before you can show it off. See our full prop guidelines here.

Child Safety: Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising those under the age of 18 and are expected to be aware of our safety guidelines. Also, parents/guardians should make sure little ones are participating in activities that are age-appropriate for them.

Personal Boundaries: Please be aware of and respect the personal space of your fellow show-goers, so that everyone can enjoy their time at the event.

Reporting Procedures: If you encounter any harassment, misconduct, or safety concerns, please let FAN EXPO staff or security know immediately. You can also submit an incident report here. We take all reports very seriously and they’ll be handled discreetly.

Consequences for Violations: Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in warnings, removal from the show without a refund, banning from future events, and involvement of law enforcement if necessary.