February 14 - 16, 2026

Vancouver Convention Centre - West Building

FAN EXPO Vancouver


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Cosplayer Of The Month - Kosu Cos

Welcome to Cosplayer of the Month, where we feature an incredible cosplayer from our community of fans and learn about who they are beneath the surface and, ahem, WORBLA. This month, we have Kosu Cos!

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Cosplayer Of The Month Questions

What city are you based in?

Chilliwack, BC.

Can you tell us about your first cosplay?

Oh boy— my first ever cosplay was a character by the name of Nepeta Leijon from this webcomic called Homestuck. I didn't do much for the cosplay besides painting a black shirt with the Leo sign, having my mom make a hat for me, and painting my face grey with cheap gray face paint.

Do you have a cosplay piece that you are most proud of?

My favorite cosplay piece is my Asra cloak; it took me roughly a week of non-stop sewing to finish. I made the pattern myself and it was also my biggest sewing piece yet.

What do you hope to achieve through cosplay?

New sewing skills as well as improving my makeup skills.

Is there a cosplayer that you look up to or inspires you?

I have many! All my mutual inspire me so it's difficult to say just one. The main three people that I look up to and inspire me are @crossjessing @kingmalus and @lovelybedhead

If you could give any piece of advice to new cosplayers, what would it be?

Be yourself. Have confidence in yourself and don't let other people knock you down. Also, you should be doing cosplay to impress yourself. Cosplaying shouldn't be about the number of likes and follows you get. I honestly think that popularity is one of the main reasons why the community is so scary and intimidating to join. Cosplay shouldn’t be scary, it should be something that comforts you and sparks joy in you.

What would you say is the hardest part of cosplaying?

Getting started. There are so many websites for wigs, cosplays, and makeup brands that it can be overwhelming to some people.

Is there a cosplay piece you’re currently working on?

I haven’t started it but it is a set cosplay. I also want to start working on my Diluc and Kaeya cosplay from Genshin Impact!