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Next release: April 11 | 4 PM EDT



When disaster strikes and it's just you against the world, what's your plan? One of horror's most loved subgenres is the zombie apocalypse. See which zombie movie your zodiac sign pairs best with to pick up some survival tips and see how you would make out when the outbreak happens.


Cillian Murphy, dressed in blue scrubs, walks a rain covered bridge in a barren London, UK.

28 Days Later

You've got high hopes when it comes to your goals and if your plans don't pan out, you're able to adapt quickly. In the face of trouble, the people around you know that they can depend on you to take action and lead the charge; regardless of how you feel.


A mountain of zombies begins to form in an effort to scale the wall of a large building.

World War Z

When problems arise, you are determined that you have the answer. Your willingness to persevere in the face of peril is something that others admire about you. One thing people can guarantee about you, Capricorn, is that you always have the best interest of the majority in mind.


a hoard of zombies makes their way towards the camera, all in various states of groaning or snarling


There is no shortage of laughs in your presence. While others may be serious and strict, you are quick to crack a joke and make the most of a bad situation. While you can't guarantee the outcome, you know that taking things too seriously is never the answer.


Shaun and friends stand bloodied and arms as zombies collect slowly around them

Shaun of the Dead

You are typically very unassuming, but when the need strikes, you are a steadfast leader who can both bring the smiles and save the day. Your strength comes from the desire to keep the ones you love safe and refusing to let a poor situation come between you.


R stands, in his red hoodie, amongst other zombies dressed in a neutral colour palette

Warm Bodies

You tend to see the good in other people when most won't. You are patient and eager to learn their stories, even when the odds are stacked against you. You long for peace among people and will always advocate for those without a voice, despite what people may think.


A man stands bloodied with his back to the camera. On lookers behind him on the train are also bloodied and are horrified.

Train to Busan

While it may be easy to save yourself when things get tough, you fight for everyone involved because you know there's power in numbers. Though you know you can never truly anticipate what comes next, you are ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.


Alice stands with her guns faced outward toward her enemies off camera.

Resident Evil

You are all about action and will run into the eye storm with reckless abandon. While problems can come at you from all angles, you laugh at them, and eliminate the issue like it's nothing.


Wade (left) stands in defense of Maggie, who is bloodied from the consumption of another person.


You will go to great lengths to keep the ones you love safe. While you may not always be able to protect everyone, you provide a loving environment that reminds others they are free to be themselves in your presence.


Norman, Neil, Alvin, Courtney, and Mitch stand on breaking ground, with a zombie hand emerging, illuminated in green.


You love when people underestimate you because when you shine, you're the brightest. You're always ready to use your skills and knowledge to make the best of a bad situation and help the people around you be their best.


The adults brace for impact from the incoming zombie kids.


You face the horrific with levity, even when it's something you could never have anticipated. Afraid of the unfavorable? Not you, Pisces. You are always ready to jump into action at a moment's notice.


In black and white, a hoard of zombies walk toward the camera through an otherwise empty field.

Night of the Living Dead

Fight or flight? You're a little more into the idea of thriving. You're too practical to let a little hiccup be what takes you down. They may be coming to get Barbara, but they sure won't be getting you.


Adam Driver, hanging out the window of a police car, wields a machete as he looks out for zombies

The Dead Don't Die

You're realistic and it's something that people value about you, even if they don't understand or agree sometimes. While you may not be for everyone, the people who love you really love you would fight for you any day, any time.