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Next release: April 11 | 4 PM EDT


Which Animal Sidekick Are You?

Whether they're big or small, we love them all, because there's nothing that compares to an animal sidekick. June is Social Petworking Month, and who doesn't love seeing the sweet faces of little familiars all over your feeds? To celebrate, we're pairing you up with the animal sidekick that best fits your zodiac sign.


Salem, a black cat with yellow eyes, stands in front of a dimly lit background with golden bokeh

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Attitude in bunches, but lovable all the same – just like Sabrina's magical little pal Salem. Your friends know they can always count on you to bring the sass and provide a laugh.


Jaq (brown rat with a red hat and jacket) and Gus-Gus, a rotund brown rat with a yellow crop top and green hat watch as Fairy Godmother helps Cinderella. They imitate her using her magic

Jaq and Gus-Gus

Two is company, and this sweet duo best encapsulates everything that makes a Gemini special. A little sweet, a little spicy, but always happy to help no matter what. And just like these two? You have SERIOUS fashion sense.


Mushu, the luck dragon, smiles as he pops out from behind a rock


Fiercely loyal, honest, and always making sure your friends are on track - VERY Mushu! However, you also know when to step back and show your sensitive side so the people in your life know they can always count on you to listen when times get tough.


Piglet, wearing a purple scarf in the hundred acre wood, helps a ladybug off of a long blade of grass.

Winnie the Pooh

You bring so much comfort to those around you. All of your friends know they can count on you for love and support no matter the situation. Like Piglet, you have the biggest heart, and tend to only use it for good.


Pascal the Chameleon sits on Rapunzel's shoulder - he stares longingly at her as she speaks.


No matter how small you feel some days, your love, loyalty, and confidence are HUGE! You would do anything to ensure that the ones closest to you are always safe, no matter what.


Aang hugs Appa, both smile a the sweet moment

Avatar the Last Airbender

You are a force to be reckoned with and have a heart made of gold. You pride yourself on being able to make people feel safe. Your warmth and light are what remind people that no matter how intimidating you are, you're still a big softie.


Doom Kitty, a black cat with large white eyes, wears a green sherlock holmes style hat and puffs a pipe detective style. She has a red flared collar with a key in the center. The middle of the key is a heart.

Doom Kitty
Ruby Gloom

Life's great horrors and mysteries are no match for your quick wit and determination. You are a master secret keeper and loyal beyond understanding. You will always go out of your way to make sure order is maintained


Pabu, the red panda, lounges in a large bowl on a table.

Legend of Korra

While you appear sweet, you've got some sting. You're happy to use your ferocity to protect yourself and others. However, you'd much prefer to lay low and enjoy some quiet down time.


The black cat stares at Sailor moon with a shy smile. The background is varying shades of pink

Sailor Moon

You are as undoubtedly fierce as you are sweet. While you are always ready to fight evil, you are equally ready to win love and the hearts of people everywhere. You stand alongside some heavy hitters, but you definitely know how to hold your own.


The large, white, Great Pyrenees stands staring at the screen. He stands in front of a large brown door.

Spy x Family

You are loyal and attentive. You are constantly helping those around you. You have the ability to plan ahead and are determined to keep others safe.


Donkey stands in the swamp, staring up at shrek mid thought


You are truly one of a kind. There is no one who can do what you do. You are outgoing, ambitious, and are full of fun and helpful anecdotes. People love you for all of the energy you bring to every situation.


Jibanyan stands on the street, dancing. His hands are raised and he is standing on one foot.

Jibanyan (Akamaru)
Yo-kai Watch

You are a companion full of vigor and as sweet as the sugar you crave. You bring joy to others and are always full of surprises. People know they can count on you to get things done because of your unwavering determination.