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Next release: April 11 | 4 PM EDT


Which Sailor Moon Character are you?

Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by day light, never running from a real fight, which Sailor Moon character are you?

We hope you read that to the tune of the Sailor Moon theme! It's time to meet your Sailor Moon character counterpart.


Sailor Mars, surrounded by fire, stands and prepares to attack. The image of her full body stands in front of a silhouette of eyes.

Sailor Mars

There's a fire within you that no one can stifle. With your unending passion and determination, you aren't afraid to lead the charge. If someone thought they could cross you, they should probably think again.


Sailor Venus points at the screen, her tone stern. Behind her, pink and yellow flowers bloom

Sailor Venus

While you're beyond patient and loving, you won't stand back and let the bad guys win. People gravitate towards your warmth and kindess, and stay for your loyalty and care.


Sailor Mercury reaches toward the screen. She is on a gradient blue background and looks very stern.

Sailor Mercury

You're quick on your feet and ready to adapt to any situation thrown your way, which always comes in handy when you least expect it. Genuine curiosity keeps you on the look out for the the best solutions to any problem you may face... or even that you've already seen.


Sailor Moon

You want to protect those you care for, no matter what it takes. The amount of empathy you have for people is an admirable quality amongst those who know you and those you've just met. You can be a tad emotional, but you refuse to let it stop you from being the best version of yourself.


A close up on Queen Serenity's hair with her white hair flowing around her. The face she is making is one of pride.

Queen Serenity

People often look to you for guidance, and you are a natural born leader. The confidence you exude helps others to know they can trust you, and that you are going to be loyal to them from the moment you meet them.


Chibi Moon looks over her shoulder. She is surrounded by pink and white roses.

Chibi Moon

If you want something done right, you feel like you need to do it yourself. Not that you have a distrust for others, but you have a preferred way to ensure the task is complete. While you may need to get things done 'just so', you will always lend a hand when the people you care for need it.


Tuxedo Mask stands, with this hand on his hip and cape blowing in the wind, with the sky behind him.

Tuxedo Mask

All you ever want to do is keep things peaceful and balanced, especially when chaos ensues amongst the ones you care for. You often use charm to smooth things over and it's something that others admire.


Sailor Pluto stares with a slight smile at the screen, around her sakura pedals fall, and she holds her scepter to her left.

Sailor Pluto

You're the mom friend. The people around you know they can count on you to keep them on course when things start to go south. On top of wanting to keep others safe, you are fiercely loyal, and would never turn your back on your friends (...get it?)


Sailor Jupiter reaches out towards the screen, her mouth agape as she speaks, summoning her power.

Sailor Jupiter

Why ask someone for help when you can just do it yourself? Though you love to help others, you are very independent and will seldom ask for it yourself. You will fight for the people you love, and follow them boldly into unknown territory, but that's more about the adventure of it all than anything else!


Sailor Saturn stands with Saturn behind her, and her scepter/blade in her right hand. Surrounding here is white and deep purple roses.

Sailor Saturn

Your friends admire just how resilient you can be. You are strong and sure of yourself in the face of danger, whether you like to be or not. You are a firm believer in never letting anyone see you sweat.


Sailor Uranus stands, visible by her profile. She wields her sword in her right hand.

Sailor Uranus

You think outside the box and know that there is always more than one good way to do things. Being naturally curious, you'll always search for those alternative routes and solutions, because along with being helpful, sometimes you get to have a little more fun that way.


Summoning her power,  Sailer Neptune hovers above massive waves. In her hands, a glowing blue orb forms.

Sailor Neptune

You always have your finger on the pulse, and are quick to jump into action, whether it's to help the people you love, or to share a new idea. Your loved ones know that without a doubt you are always there to listen and aid them in whatever troubles they may face.