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Next release: April 11 | 4 PM EDT


Which Fictional Pirate are you

Yo-ho-ho and a new astrology reading.

September 19 is talk like a pirate day - what better way to celebrate fiction's sensational swashbucklers and space pirates than to pair you with your pirate pal.


Jack Sparrow, wielding his sword, leans back and and waves his arms in a wild and eccentric manner.

Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean series

Act first, act fast, ask questions never. You are always eager to head out on an adventure, no matter how chaotic or irrational it may seem. You're the life of the party, and no one can deny that.


Captain James Flint stares seriously after an unknown person off screen. His mouth turned up in a confused grin.

Captain James Flint
Black Sails

From your fierce determination to your sky-high ambition, all signs point to Captain Flint. Always having your head on straight is the reason why your friends lean on you when things get tough, whether you like it or not.


Long John Silver smiles in conversation. On his shoulder is a lobster muppet, listening intently.

Long John Silver
Muppet Treasure Island

Charm and charisma, two traits you possess without question. Now, whether you use them for good or evil is the question on everyone's mind. You'll always have the hottest gossip, but also always be willing to help in a pinch - it just depends on who you want to be that day.


Luffy, smiling wide with his eyes closed, has a scar under his right eye and wears his signature yellow straw hat and red vest.

Monkey D. Luffy
One Piece

You are your own person and refuse to let anyone tell you who you should be. While your originality is something that others know and acknowledge you for, your care for those around you and desire for a better world are what they admire you for.


Malcolm stands on Serenity - dressed in his pirate best, brooding at the camera.

Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds

You are a natural born leader with a knack for guidance. Others look to you in times of trouble to have the answers because you haven't let them down up to this point, why would you start now? You're realistic and help to keep others grounded.


Captain Hook holds a pocket watch and taps it with his hook hand.

Captain Hook
Peter Pan

You have laser focus, and if you want something, you WILL get it. You're methodical and careful in every move you make, and that's why you're the one they count on to make and execute plans and ideas.


Vandala smiles as her small fish friends swim around her.

Vandala Doubloons
Monster High

At first glance, people are intimidated by your confidence and stern exterior, but the more someone gets to know you, they learn just how warm and kind you are. While strangers will typically not get to see that side of you, the people who love you will fight tooth and nail to prove how wonderful you are.


Han Solo shrugs, he holds his blaster with a finger on the trigger. He half smiles as he listens to the person speaking off screen.

Han Solo
Star Wars

It's your way or the highway! Not that anyone usually feels inclined to challenge you, but you make it pretty clear you are not to be crossed. Once someone has you on their side they know that they will always be in for a good time, and making the best memories.


Captain Leatherwing holds the post of his shap as it sails. He wears his pirate gear as well as his Batman gear.

Captain Leatherwing
Batman: Leatherwing

You stand for all that is right, and want to protect people no matter what - even if you're kind to a fault. Day-to-day, you seem to be stand-offish, but the second the whisper of anything bad happens, you're leaping into action to ensure everyone is safe and happy.


Captain Deadbeard climbs out of a wooden barrel, the background is red and blue lasers. Beside him is his parrot head counterpart.

Captain Deadbeard
Plants Vs. Zombies

Some call it recklessness, you just call it having a free spirit. You are determined to make the most of every situation, and no matter the outcome, you're going to ensure everyone has the best time.


Rokoru holds his face as his nose blleds through his fingers. The water surrounds him.

Rokoru Okajima
Black Lagoon

While you're more reserved, you light up the room the second you open up. People are drawn to your calm nature, and love seeing you blossom in the right scenario. You're the friend everyone is after.


Lars smoulders at the camera. There is a long, pink scar over their left eye

Lars Barriga
Steven Universe

You love to poke fun. Never quite mean-spirited or harmful, but definitely love a joke at the expense of others. Though you project rough and tough, there is a softness about you that no one can deny.