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Next release: March 14 | 4 PM EDT



Tell us a bit about yourself!  

I am a full-time drag entertainer. I was on Season 1 of Canada’s Drag Race and currently, without being able to perform live, I’ve been streaming full time on Twitch!

What fandoms are you into? 

Pokémon, Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, Zelda, Cardcaptors, and Sailor Moon!

Who is your fictional style icon?  

Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura! (With a mix of Angewomon from Digimon)

What are your thoughts on the representation of LGBTQ+ characters in media like comics, and superhero related films and TV?  

Not amazing! There’s SO MUCH queer bating in a lot of mainstream superhero films and TV which can get a bit tired… Just give us characters who are like us, it's not that hard. 

For our readers who aren’t familiar with drag culture. Tell us your opinion on the similarities between drag and cosplay. How do they differ?  

Drag is very much you are your own character, everything you wear and create comes from who you are. Cosplay is creating a replica of another character from comics, film, tv, etc.

What do you hope to achieve through your drag career?  

I want to travel the world and I want to make people happy. Also, I eventually want to host a reality TV show, how cool would that be?! Love Island: Gay Edition.

What advice would you give to anyone starting their drag career?

Be kind, no one wants to work with a diva.