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Next release: February 14 | 4 PM EDT



Tell us a bit about yourself!

I have been a cosplayer for about 6 years. Although I love cons, I started out cosplaying for charity. It’s still the number one that drives me as a cosplayer. I started off doing charity events as Disney princesses and then eventually attended New York Comic Con and took up cosplaying as a hobby. I eventually started a charity organization called the NY Avengers. Where we dress as characters in the MCU and do children events, charity, hospital visits for ill or trauma-stricken children. Cosplay to me is about creative freedom to be whoever you want. I also feel that anyone at any age can do it and it’s a HUGE added bonus to do it for a cause.

What fandoms are you into?

Star Wars, marvel & dc

Can you tell us about your first cosplay?

First cosplay for a con was Harley Quinn. I made most of it myself. It really drove me to get into this hobby.

Do you have a cosplay piece that you are most proud of?

I think overall, my Hera Syndulla is my favorite cosplay of all time. Though I didn’t create most of it, a bunch of my creator friends made a dream cosplay for me possible. It’s a great symbol of people coming together and making someone really happy. It’s also my favorite character of all time and a cosplay I didn’t know if I could pull off.

Also, Harley Quinn and Jessica Jones will always hold a special place in my heart because it really connected me with so many people in this community. Cable, I also made a bunch of pieces for and will always be a project I hold dear to my heart.

What do you hope to achieve through cosplay?

I hope more people will use it for good. The biggest reward in cosplay is seeing the reaction of others when I walk into a room, especially the kids. I think if more people focused on that feeling and less on popularity it would help purify the community. Cosplay for cause is one of the most special things that I ever decided to do. I visited a lot of kids who were the real heroes. I have visited kids who have fought and some even lost battles that were unimaginable. I’m just glad I can give them a moment of peace and a moment of happiness by bringing their favorite character to life and making them smile for a few moments.

If you could give any piece of advice to new cosplayers, what would it be?

Do it because you love it. Have passion and just have fun. If you can use it for good, do that too because it’s the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself and others.