What city are you based in?
Born and raised in Orlando FL!
Can you tell us about your first cosplay?
It's kind of a blur to tell what I consider my first cosplay or just a Halloween Costume. Jack Sparrow was probably the first costume that started as just a Halloween costume and helped me make my way into the cosplay world. But my first costume I ever made with the intention to dress up at a convention, (MEGACON Orlando was actually the first convention I ever attended that got me hooked!) that costume was Lightning from Final Fantasy 13.
Do you have a cosplay piece that you are most proud of?
I think one of my most proud costumes I've ever made always goes back to Edward Scissorhands. I remember being so intimidated by the costume. I almost talked myself out of trying to make it! But I'm glad I did, because I'm really happy with how it turned out! I love the character and the movie and it's definitely a costume I'm proud of making all by myself!
What do you hope to achieve through cosplay?
I never really think of that. It was just a hobby I started because I genuinely love making things, dabbling in art, and playing dress up as my favorite characters. I've just been going wherever the wind takes me with it. I guess if I made a goal it would be to keep having fun with it, always. And never grow up.
Is there a cosplayer that you look up to or inspires you?
A lot of them, too many to name. Most of everyone I see & talk to in cosplay. When I see people light up when they talk about something they love, when I see how proud they are of what they've made. The things people create and come up with, wow! Cosplayers lighthearted fun, passion and skills always inspires me, and reminds me why I love it so much.
If you could give any piece of advice to new cosplayers, what would it be?
Have fun, set realistic deadlines, don't beat yourself up if things don't always turn out how you wanted, there's always another day to try again. And you never fail, you just learn. Things need to go wrong sometimes, so you know how to do them better next time!
What would you say is the hardest part of cosplaying?
I think a lot of cosplayers have so many cosplay plans and so many ideas and projects they want to do, and there's never enough time! So we put our passion & hours in to do as much as we can, and burnout and be a side effect of that. So, I think my hardest part is giving myself a break to recharge, cause there's just so much I want to do!
In honor of spooky season, what are you being for Halloween?
You would think someone who plays dress up year all year would have no problem deciding on a Halloween costume! But every year I'm stumped on what to be! haha I've been watching Resident Evil lately and am thinking of being Alice, or even some Zombies would be fun!