August 22 - 25, 2024

Metro Toronto Convention Centre



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Geeky Astrology: July 2021

This time on the FHQ Astrology Readings: the team is putting it all on the table with an all-new question: which reality TV show matches your zodiac sign? Feelings get hurt, jealousy rages through the 4th house, and these signs may never be the same again. Don’t miss a second because it all starts … right now.

Pisces: America’s Got Talent

A woman in a blue dress on stage raises her hands and smiles

PISCES! It’s your time to SHINE. Based on your innate desire to dream big and aspire to greatness, what better reality show to compete in than the one with the most TALENT. The competition will be hot, but you’re cool enough to snag the top spot. In the month of July, take center stage where you belong, and revel in all the praises, accolades, and good fortunes coming your way – you're going to HOLLYWOOD!

Aries: Hell’s Kitchen

Chef Gordon Ramsey looks like he is yelling at something while a fellow chef looks at him

Hell ain’t nothing to a fire sign like you, Aries, although the devil in waiting might set your ego ablaze. In the wise words of Gordon Ramsey - THE BEEF WELLINGTON IS RAWWWW, YOU DONKEY. Despite the non-stop barrage of insults, your tendency for self-indulgence and overconfidence might help see you through this heated competition. Be warned, however, too much salty behavior might get you in some hot water, so you might want to simmer down.

Taurus: Survivor

A man in a blue shirt is surrounded by Survivor plays sitting on wooden chairs in a forest

The tribe has spoken, you’ll be cast on the 4765th season of Survivor. As a clear front-runner in this competition, you are confident that your charming demeanor and knowledge of terrestrial organisms will carry you to the finale. It is only natural that someone as earth-bound as yourself would excel in all the challenges. In July, we do caution, however, to be mindful of schemers and miscreants looking to sabotage your game. As a precaution, we suggest you find that hidden immunity idol before your flame is snuffed out.

Gemini: The Circle

The logo for The Circle on a blue/purple background with a glowing aura around it

ZOMG WERK *TONGUE POP* SNATCH MY WIG. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. The opportunity to flaunt your overly descriptive resume and show off your exceptional social skills. Now, remember, The Circle is a SOCIAL game – for July you MUST build strong relationships with your competitors so as not to get kicked out of the circle. Digital presence is everything, so be ready to work that camera and strike that pose. Everyone’s watching.

Cancer: The Bachelor/ette

three people dressed nicely sit on a couch and engage in conversation

Oh, Cancer, you romantic soul you. We know that deep down what you want more than anything is to find your one true love. So, we think you need to go on The Bachelor/Bachelorette and give it your best shot. For July, follow your heart and don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of you finding the love of your life. Go get that rose, Cancer!

Leo: Project Runway

Multiple people walk down a long runway with a white backdrop

Leo, your creativity, confidence, and great sense of style makes us think you would do well on Project Runway. You’re always the best-dressed friend AKA, the one who has the closet everyone wants to raid. So, the question is, are you up for the challenge, Leo? We think you can bring home that 100K! This month, keep your eye on the prize and use your determination to achieve all your wildest dreams.

Virgo: Love Island

5 sets of couples stand slightly apart while hugging their significant other and smiling

Ok, Virgo, this show may not be your top choice in terms of a reality competition show you’d like to be on but hear us out. We know that deep down you’re just dying to meet your soulmate, and what better way to focus on your love life than by being stuck on an island with a bunch of other singles also looking for love? This month, let go and enjoy the ride. Sometimes life can get a little messy! (Especially when you’re living on an island with a bunch of singles)

Libra: Love is Blind

Two people in separate rooms hold their hands against a glowing blue wall with funky textures

Is love blind, Libra? That’s the big question here. We know you’re looking for your soulmate and we know you will go to great lengths to find them. So why not go on a reality TV show where you can only get to know people by talking to them through a wall? Libra, you have great judgment. We believe you’ll pick the right person in the end! This month, focus on trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone. You never know where life will take you!

Scorpio: Big Brother

A group of people stand on the ground and on a slightly raised stage and look off to the right

Scorpio, we love you, we really do, but there’s no doubt in our minds that you are Big Brother. You are the human equivalent of a hidden camera: always watching, and always ready to bring up the footage and receipts whenever it’s necessary. We get it; being in control makes you feel more comfortable. This month, try not checking other people’s Insta DMs when they leave their phone on the table unattended. We know, it’s a tall order, but trust us, you can do it.

Sagittarius: Amazing Race

A group of people in athletic clothing look towards one area with determination

See, the thing that’s funny about you, Sag, is that the Amazing Race is barely even different than your normal life. You are already trying to make your way around the world and experience everything you can. You don’t even need a TV show to be competitive—anything can be a contest or a challenge or a dare. So why not do that on some showrunner’s dime? Our advice this month: if you do something well, never do it for free.

Capricorn: Shark Tank

A group of people in business casual clothing sit & stand while smiling and looking up

Sharks, gather round because Capricorn is here and they’ve got a major pitch to share with you. You were made for this show: you’re a natural entrepreneur, you know what you want and how to make it happen, and you’re looking for loyal partners who have some real value to add to your day-to-day life. If you think it, you promise it, and if you promise it, it happens. This month’s advice: stop polishing and get whatever you’re working on out the door—it's ready to go and so are you.

Aquarius: Nailed It

two judges look at a Barbie cake while a participant presents in for their inspection

Oh sweet, sweet Aquarius. Remember that weird turtle-lizard-eagle-hybrid pottery you made in the 7th grade or the time you made a sculpture of the Mona Lisa using pine needles, banana peels, and glitter? This is our polite way of saying that you … do things a little differently. The good news is that there’s a show out there for you, and it’s called Nailed It. If you go on this show and do your thing, it will make people smile. This month’s advice: don’t volunteer to host the bake sale—this is not a good idea for you this month, or maybe any month...or maybe any time.