August 22 - 25, 2024

Metro Toronto Convention Centre



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Luca's Seafoam Mer-Shake

After many months of flightless adventures, can you blame me for wanting to whisk myself away into an Italian seaside fantasy? With the release of Disney Pixar’s Luca, I decided to transform a summer classic into a mythically mezMERizing chilly treat inspired by the Italian coast, mermaids, and old-fashioned Disney magic.

Coastal Market Run

What You'll Need:

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 cup of whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 full fruit (juiced): lime, lemon or orange
  • 1 handful of your preferred fruit
  • handful of mint leaves
  • 1 bottle of sparkling water

Time to Shake It Up

Step 1

Mix together your condensed milk, whipping cream & vanilla extract until you create stiff peaks that resemble the cliffside of Positano. I would not recommend using a whisk – I tried, and unless you want to spend hours mixing through the night like Nona, just use your hand mixer. Once completed, freeze the mixture in a metal baking pan lined with parchment paper overnight. Make sure it’s covered, so it doesn’t get frost bite.

Step 2

The next morning, mix together your preferred chopped fruits (I like strawberries), with some freshly squeezed lime juice, and mint, in a blender. MIX MIX MIX until perfectly blended.

Step 3

Scoop however many dollops of the whipped frosty cream you want into a glass, and fill up half of the glass with your fruit mixture. Whisk the two together.
Pour in some sparkling water until it reaches the top of the glass, and then garnish with some fresh mint leaves. Finito! You’ve just made a perfectly precious and magically delicious Seafoam Mer-Shake.

*Disclaimer, though tasty, it will not turn you into a mermaid.