Tom Wilson
Appearing: Fri, Sat, Sun
Autograph:$60.00 — 8x10
Autograph Premium:$80.00 — premium/bulky
Photo Op:$80.00
Prices subject to change.
Guest Info
Guests subject to cancellation or schedule change, due to professional commitments.
Although most guests are available for the duration of the event, due to limited availability
some guests are only available for a portion of the event, i.e. a single day.
Appearance day(s) will be posted on the website as soon as we know.
All events have limited seating capacities and are offered on a first come, first served basis.
Although most guests are available for the duration of the event, due to limited availability
some guests are only available for a portion of the event, i.e. a single day.
Appearance day(s) will be posted on the website as soon as we know.
All events have limited seating capacities and are offered on a first come, first served basis.