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Janie’s first experience in Fandom was watching Star Wars and Jurassic Park as a kid. It’s a good thing her little brother introduced her to those worlds or she might not be the fan we know today. Janie has way more stuffed animals than she thinks any adult should, mainly from Disney and Universal. She says that plush of the Minions, Porgs (from Star Wars), Grogu and a variety of Pixar characters are just too cute to resist so she must have them. If you ever meet Janie, please just know that she is not actually related to the Pope, despite her last name. She gets that a lot.
Claudia’s earliest adventure into Fandom was waiting in line for the 4th Harry Potter book release at Chapters. Since then, you can catch her watching True Detective (Season 1), Grand Budapest Hotel, or daydreaming about being best friends with Deb Morgan from Dexter. If someone from the Fandom world were going to play Claudia in a movie about her life, it would have to be Jennifer Lawrence. That’s for sure. If you’re the type of person to wear socks & sandals while watching TikTok, it’s generally best to steer clear of Claudia. Just a fair warning. If you like yoga, hiking or veggies & humus however, you and Claudia will get along just fine.
With her 75lb pomsky named Koa at her side, DD is ready to take on the robot uprising. No really, why are you all giving AI and ChatGPT so much power? If you are going to keep talking to them, then at least befriend them like how DD would with Light Yagami. It’s always a smart idea to be on the good side of the guy with the pen and scary notebook. Along with her real dog, she’s also a big fan of dog plushies, but has rules about collecting them: they must be found at a convention as DD loves the thrill of the hunt. However, she may slow down on buying Gundam models as she already has many in boxes yet to be built. Hey, it’s a commitment to start one.
We advise not doing a TikTok dance in front of Richard. He’s not gonna like that. You can ask him about his interview with Todd McFarlane though. He managed to successfully get through an interview on stage without prepping anything in advance. Richard says it’s his greatest achievement. He got hooked on fandom when he was only six years old and met Jerry Robinson (creator of The Joker). He’s been in the fandom world (and collecting Comic Sketches) ever since. Speaking of comics, if Richard could have anything in the world that he doesn’t already have, it would be an Action Comics #1. Someone get this man his comic!
Once upon a time, Toni Chin, Operations Manager was busy doing her job and being a superstar at it. She was answering emails on time and recalling memories of being a Summer Camp director when something stopped her in her tracks. Someone had emailed a “Thank you” for a job well done for another awesome birthday party game she had created--- but something was off. She inspected the email closer until she found it: the [REDACTED] individual had spelled her name as “Tony” instead of Toni. And that’s how she became The Riddler.
If you’re thinking Jasmine’s name sounds familiar, you're right. Being named after the iconic Disney princess from Aladdin, she was destined to be in the Disney fandom. For as long as she can remember, Jasmine has always wanted an animation cel from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1938). Maybe she’d settle for a Snow White Pop! Vinyl. She used to live near the Funko HQ, so she has quite the collection now. Jasmine’s greatest achievement is graduating from the University of Hawaii at Manoa during a pandemic. Her worst achievement? Jumping off the Maunawili Falls on Oahu, Hawaii. She will never do that again. When Jasmine isn’t working, you can always catch her hanging out at local theme parks.
Kristen was born in the wrong time period. She was made for the ‘80s. Her fave movie is even an '80s classic: Arthur, starring Dudley Moore. As for music, she been a big fan of alternative since her Warped Tour days. But if you play any Duran Duran or Tears for Fears, you know she'll be there. Kristen also loves fun dresses and has a collection of them, but what’s one more? If you’re ever trying to find her at a show, just keep your eyes peeled for a bucket hat and matching scarf. That'll be Kristen.
When Brittany was in middle school, she used to tell people that she was related to Mariano Rivera (famous pitcher for the New York Yankees). Is that true? Next question. Will Brittany watch any TikToks she’s sent but won’t download the app? Also, next question. Brittany’s earliest experience in fandom was collecting all the figures from the animated Disney movies and re-enacting her favourite scenes. When she’s not working, you can find Brittany trying new foods, watching hockey or posting on her verified Twitter (BTW, getting verified is her greatest achievement to date).